Friday, January 12, 2007


The Bush administration has moved so far outside the sphere of normal American democratic activity that impeachment should no longer be gloomily dismissed as an impossibility.

It seems frightenly likely that Bush is seriously considering widening the War on Terror by attacking Iran and/or Syria, and his popularity with Americans across the board (including within the military) is at its lowest.

He seems to be protected from the consequences of his actions only by two pretty obvious factors: first, the distracted, unfocused TV news media (some of whom, including Chris Matthews, appear to be waking up slowly), and second, by the general lack of follow-up I mentioned a few days ago.

I found the articles linked to below (via Hullabaloo) to be exciting and invigorating to read, because they cut through the fog of gloom and impossibility. I don't know, of course, how accurate they are, both as to the likelihood of the actions of the New Mexico State Legislature to succeed, or as to the legal details, but it's good to see this sort of thing being discussed.

Even though Congress has the power of the purse, they are less likely to use it to defund troops already in the field (not should they), and obviously any such measure would fall victim to one of Bush's signing statements. (Congress makes laws, and this administration is above the law.) But impeachment procedings would be difficult to ignore.

From, an impeachment-info clearing house that looks very comprehensive and coherent, The Best Reasons Not to Impeach, And Why They're Wrong.

Also, how easy it apparently is to introduce a bill of impeachment in the U.S. House of Representatives, which the New Mexico State Legislature may be about to do.


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