Sunday, December 31, 2006

TPM on the Ford legacy/pardon

Two good TPM posts about the Ford legacy:

Debunking Michael Beschloss' relief that Nixon's first choice for VP was passed over.

On the "healing" properties of the pardon: "...for many people Ford's signature service to the country was calming the waters so that the rabble quieted down and went home."

Friday, December 22, 2006

White House censors NYT op-ed

The White House has censored an op-ed in the Times that describes the WH rejection of diplomatic overtures from pre-Ahamdinejad Iran, and other failures in their policy towards Iran. The redacted portions of the op-ed describe events previously covered fully in the media. The article draws all of its information from a publicly available paper

Redacted op-ed ("Redacted Version of Original Op-Ed", NYT 12/22/06)

Explanatory op-ed by authors ("What We Wanted to Tell You About Iran", NYT 12/22/06)

The original paper [pdf] by Flynt Leverett (co-author of the op-ed), containing all information redacted from the op-ed by the White House

Background from blogger Steve Clemmons

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Homeland Security allegedly using serial killer as informant

From the Guardian, via Glenn Greenwald: ICE, the drug enforcement arm of DHS, is currently employing an informant who has committed several brutal murders. He murders while wearing a wire, so ICE agents listen in on the murders. At least one of the murders was a case of mistaken identity. ICE initally reported this to the Justice Dept, who instructed them to continue using the murderer. Permission was given on the say-so of high Justice Dept officals, many having close ties to Alberto Gonzalez and George Bush.